Congratulations to the following 15 budding artists from Saint Felix whose work will be displayed at the Young Art East Anglia exhibition this year.
Out of more than 2,000 paintings which were entered, around 350 will be displayed. We are delighted that the work by the following artists from Saint Felix school will be exhibited:
Daniel Brown, Holly Love, Isabella Reader –Reception, Years 1 & 2
Beatrice Cross, Darcey McDonough, Saffron Vine -Years 3 & 4
Rory Hunt, Evie Booker, Jason Coles, Emily Oldman, Matilda Williams –Years 5 & 6
Further congratulations go to the following talented artists who have been awarded highly commended by the judge of this year’s Young Art East Anglia Exhibition, Ania Hobson:
Eva Bullion, (Y3) Reo Snowling and Freddie Whyte-Wood (Y5) Oscar Cole (Y6)
The exhibition is open to all exhibitors and to the general public at the following times:
Friday, March 9th 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Saturday, March 10th 12.00 noon to 5.00 pm.
Sunday, March 11th 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.