Mrs Alicia Mann
Assistant Head - Designated Safeguard and Pastoral Lead
At Saint Felix School, we prioritise our students’ safety, pastoral care and wellbeing above everything, ensuring every child feels valued and supported on a personalised, individual basis. Our commitment to student pastoral care and wellbeing is evident through extensive initiatives and strategies. We provide a nurturing and inclusive environment where each individual feels respected and has self-worth.
We understand that happy, healthy children are far more likely to achieve at school. One of the cornerstones of our approach is building positive and supportive relationships between students and staff, from teachers to support roles within our school. Our Pastoral Team, extending to form tutors and our Senior Leadership Team (SLT), work collaboratively with a whole-school approach to ensure we understand each student’s academic, emotional and social developmental requirements. Our staff members go above and beyond to understand and meet each child’s unique needs and concerns.
To further enhance student wellbeing, we offer a range of interventions. These include a bespoke curriculum tailored to individual needs, designated “time-out” periods for students to recharge, an onsite school counsellor, and one-on-one sessions with staff who provide guidance and support. Additionally, our Learning Hub offers students a resourceful area for calm academic and personal growth.
A strong ethos of mutual care and respect is promoted throughout our school by setting boundaries, outlining standards and expectations, communicating with students and their families, and creating independent learning plans for students with special needs.
Saint Felix School is deeply connected to its community, and we regularly invite external professionals, such as PCSOs and the RNLI, to deliver informative presentations on various topics related to keeping safe. We believe involving the broader community helps broaden our students’ perspectives and knowledge.
Our Designated Safeguard Lead, Mrs Alicia Mann, plays a crucial role in student wellbeing. In addition to providing staff safeguarding training and student support, Mrs Mann ensures students attend medical appointments and conducts home visits when necessary. Mrs Mann is an invaluable resource who signposts students and families to additional services that can provide further support.
As part of our proactive approach to wellbeing and mental health, from October 2023, the entire Saint Felix community (students, parents and staff) have access to ‘The Wellbeing Hub, from Teen Tips’, a fantastic interactive online portal that provides support on wellbeing and mental health. This includes webinars, audio and video courses, podcasts, articles, careers advice, Q&A sessions with psychotherapists, and so much more.
School display boards also offer valuable resources and information to inform students about mental health and wellbeing. Additionally, we provide access to Kooth, a free and anonymous mental health support platform designed specifically for young people.
Regular assemblies with Mrs Mann serve as a platform for discussing important topics related to wellbeing, safety, and personal growth. These assemblies provide students with guidance and an opportunity to ask questions in a supportive setting.
Saint Felix School takes a holistic approach to student wellbeing, fostering a safe environment where children are known and cared for on an individual level. Our commitment to positive relationships, tailored interventions, community engagement, and safeguarding ensures that students thrive in a nurturing and inclusive atmosphere.
Talk to us now about a place for your child.
Assistant Head - Designated Safeguard and Pastoral Lead