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News From The Head
September 15, 2023

Saint Felix School: Work Commences!

The first two weeks of the new academic year have simply flown by, and as work commences in earnest for the students, so it has for the projects that we are undertaking to improve the fabric of the school. New carpets are being laid on the top floor of Somerville House and Gardiner House, work on the Sports Hall changing rooms has begun, and the grass has been prepared on Gardiner Lawn for the new sports pitch. It is very exciting for all to begin to see how different Saint Felix will look as these projects take shape and work towards completion.

In addition, the construction of fencing for the Forest School has begun and will be completed next week. At Saint Felix School, we believe in the transformative power of the Forest School experience. Nestled in the heart of an area of outstanding natural beauty, our Forest School will offer children a unique opportunity to connect with the natural world and foster a deep love for outdoor learning. Surrounded by the beauty of lush greenery and towering trees, our students will embark on a journey of discovery, exploration, and personal growth. Here, they will develop resilience as they navigate the challenges of the wilderness, unlocking the true potential of their minds to think productively and creatively. In this enchanting setting, our Forest School, combined with our broad curriculum, will provide endless opportunities for our children to thrive and create lasting memories, nurturing their growth into well-rounded individuals who cherish the beauty and wisdom of the natural world.

I hope that you will be able to attend the event on the 22nd to hear more about the plans for the future of Saint Felix and to see the Forest School in place.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Oakman,
