Saint Felix School, situated in the wonderful seaside town of Southwold, has been providing educational excellence for over 100 years.
Caring for children between the ages of 2 and 18, this co-educational independent school is adapted for day pupils and boarders of all types. Providing constant support to all pupils, Saint Felix delivers everything children need to fulfil their potential in every aspect of education, and prepares them for the ever-changing world.
The school’s Mathematics and Photography departments have recently won national awards for their achievements, supporting the ethos that the quality of education is always paramount at Saint Felix. This has an exceptional effect on the students and 2015 saw a 100% pass rate at A Level. Small class sizes give the children and teachers the family relationship that Saint Felix prides itself on.
The pupils have numerous opportunities to develop their self-confidence and expand their social skills outside the classroom too. There are a multitude of extra curricular activities and competitive sports available, ensuring that each pupil can excel in their chosen passions. The school’s swimming facilities put them in the top three in the country, and the equestrian team achieved third place in the Royal Windsor Horse Show.
This coming September marks the start of a new era, with former Headmistress Fran D’Alcorn retiring after over 40 years at the school. James Harrison, newly appointed Headteacher, pledges that the school will continue to be more than an ‘exam factory’, but assures that the excellent results will continue. Mr Harrison, who continues to be a principal examiner for A-Level Ancient History, reassures parents and pupils that the respect and close family environment will remain paramount during his time as head.