Year 11 pupils at Saint Felix School, Southwold are soon to be taking part in a series of ‘Aspiration Interviews’ as part of their enrichment programme at a crucial stage in their academic lives.
With AS and A Level options on the horizon, the school has invited a number of local business leaders to come to the school on Wednesday 2nd November to conduct practice interviews with all fifteen and sixteen year-olds who will be taking GCSEs next summer.
Organised along similar lines to a ‘speed-dating’ session, participants will have just ten minutes to impress the interviewers, and pick-up practical tips to help them enter higher education and future employment. Professionals from a variety of industries including finance, business management, engineering and the police force will be on hand to offer advice and insight for future career paths.
Mr James Harrison, Headmaster, says: “At Saint Felix, we believe that we have a responsibility to prepare pupils for far more than just academic success. In offering opportunities such as these Aspiration Interviews, we are giving children an insight into the real world, helping them to make truly informed decisions about their future, as well as forge closer links with the local business community”.
Following the Aspiration Interviews, the school will be hosting its annual Sixth Form Information Evening. Year 11 students from across Suffolk and Norfolk are invited to come to the school and find out more about life in the Sixth Form, including the extensive range of more than 20 A and AS Level subjects on offer. Prospective pupils and parents will also have the opportunity to meet with Heads of subject and see for themselves how youngsters are supported both academically and pastorally.
The school offers a number of bursaries and scholarships to pupils in order to ensure accessibility for children from the widest range of backgrounds. Financial awards are available at a variety of levels. The Sixth Form Information Evening takes place at 7pm on Wednesday 2nd November, in Gardiner Hall at the school.