Saint Felix students celebrated their brilliant results after a long summer of uncertainty.
- 99.7% of students achieved at least 5 passes at grade 4 or above including English and Mathematics
- 39 students were graded across a total of 346 exams
Mr Harrison says “We congratulate all of this year’s GCSE students for their hard work and commitment over the past two years. 100% of our pupils achieved at least 5 passes at grade 4 or above, and we are looking forward to welcoming many of them back to our Sixth Form in September in order to continue their studies at A Level. As one of very few schools in Suffolk that offer Latin as a mainstream subject we’re especially pleased that in line with previous years’ achievements, this year over two thirds of pupils were awarded grade 8 or 9”
Notable successes include:
- Elodie Whyte from Beccles (2 x grade 9, 8 x grade 8) who joined the school in year 5
- Brooke Oram from Wrentham (2 x grade 9, 3 x grade 8, 4 x grade 7) who has been a pupil at Saint Felix since joining the school in year 6
- Josh Stephens from Beccles (1 x grade 9, 7 x grade 8, 1 x grade 7, 1 x grade 6)who has been a student at Saint Felix since nursery
All three pupils will be continuing their studies at the school with A Levels in the Sixth Form.