The Saint Felix Equestrian team, comprising of Rosabella Harrison, Charlie Macmillan, Lola Luscher, Flora Smith, Ethan Brownhill and Lulu Everett travelled to Forest Edge Arena on Sunday 28th November for the NSEA Inter County Show jumping Qualifier, the Royal Windsor Show Qualifier and the Hickstead Elite Qualifier.
Rosabella competed at 70cm and came 15th out of 24 riders with one pole down.
The 90cm team of Charlie Macmillan, Lola Luscher, Ethan Brownhill and Flora Smith came 5th in a huge class of over 60 riders. Lola Luscher came 3rd individually and qualified for the NSEA Inter County Show jumping Championships to be held at Hickstead next May.
The 1m team of Charlie Macmillan, Lola Luscher and Lulu Everett came 7th out of another big class of 43 riders.
Lulu Everett competed in the 1.10m class coming 6th and qualified as Suffolk,s top rider for the Hickstead Elite Show jumping Championships to be held at Hickstead next August.