Saint Felix Nursery have had another busy week in Nursery with a range of activities to help them learn about key workers in society – this week it was firefighters…
The Nursery role-play area was transformed into a Fire Station where children dressed up as firefighters and using fire extinguishers to put out fires. It is truly wonderful to watch them immersed as they engage in imaginative play with their friends.
Learning activities around the subject included repeating colour patterns with unifix cubes, colour mixing paint in the water tray and creating blue spaghetti ‘water’ on the tuff tray.
Three new firefighter songs were learned and the children now know that we call 999 in an emergency.
In the garden the children drew chalk fires on their tuff tray and used the water sprays to extinguish the fires.
There was lots of fun and laughter, and a few children and teachers got a little bit wet from wayward water spraying.
We still have places available in our Nursery for 2022 – email to visit with your child and find out more about the wonderful learning environment at Saint Felix.