May 31, 2023
Saint Felix School is delighted to announce the appointment of our new Heads of School, Henry and Thavisha. Henry is currently our longest serving pupil, having been with us for 14 years, and Thavisha has been with us for 5 years. Both are very active members in our school’s community. They take over from Natasha and Grace, who have been excellent role models for our pupils and demonstrated fantastic ownership of the role.
The next year will give Henry and Thavisha the opportunity to represent Saint Felix School as ambassadors and become the student voice. They will be responsible for presentations, giving assemblies, getting to know our Prep pupils, and giving tours to visitors.
Mrs Harlock, Assistant Head and Head of Sixth Form, said “Henry and Thavisha will be great ambassadors for Saint Felix. I look forward to working with them and helping them to develop and realise their ideal.”
Mr Oakman, our Head Designate, said “I am delighted to be working with such a talented and thoughtful pair of students in the upcoming academic year; their ideas and vision for their roles are creative and exciting. They will provide excellent role models for all year groups as they display the qualities and characteristics that Saint Felix works hard to instil.”