February 15, 2024

As numbers at Little Saint Felix Nursery continue to grow, we have adopted rolling snack into our daily routine.

Snack is open from 09.30am to 10am and allows children’s play not to be interrupted. Children are asked to find their “Bee” name and bring it to the snack table. They are then asked to wash and dry their hands, collect their own cup and plate and dispose of any left-over food into the bin. They then clear their own cup and plate away before returning to play. As rolling snack evolves children will take turns to help prepare snack for their peers with the support of an adult.


What are the benefits of Rolling snack and meal times?

Prime areas of development


Rolling snack offers children the opportunity to understand different situations. They gain independence in following instructions, routines and events. Children can comment on how to eat healthily, listen to children’s responses and develop conversations around this.

Personal social emotional development

Rolling snack encourages children to make choices such as “milk” or “water”. It Helps to develop children’s sense of responsibility and membership in the community by giving them tasks to carry out by allowing them to fetch their own milk or fruit. Placing any left-over food in the bin and washing up their own plates after snack.  Staff model practices that support good hygiene to allow children Increasing independence in meeting own care needs and personal hygiene by washing and drying hands before and after snack. Making healthy choices about food and drink.

Physical development

Rolling snack and mealtimes encourages children to try a range of foods as they become more independent eaters. Children are encouraged to help with carrying, pouring drinks, cleaning and sorting. Good eating habits and behaviours such as not to snatch, sharing and waiting for a second helping. Children begin to eat independently and learn how to use a knife and fork.

Specific areas of development


Children are supported to select their own name at snack time allowing opportunities for children to recognise own name in print. Children can comment on how to eat healthily, listen to children’s responses and develop conversations about this.


We build counting into everyday routines by counting out pieces of fruit. Children are supported to recognise numbers so they are aware of how many pieces of fruit they can have. This allows them to practice their counting skills. Rolling snack provides an opportunity to compare quantities using language” more than, “fewer than”.