Budding young artists from Saint Felix School, Southwold recently had the opportunity to exhibit their work in a local gallery while raising money for charity.
The exhibition and competition, which was held at Friday 10th March – Sunday 12th March at the Peter Pear’s Gallery in Aldeburgh, was run by Young Art East Anglia.
The organisation has the twin goals of inspiring young artists by giving them a chance to see their work mounted in an art exhibition at a professional gallery, while encouraging them to use their artistic talents to raise money for Cancer Research UK. This year’s theme was ‘Out of this World’, with artist Georgie Mason – who is originally from Suffolk – judging over 1500 paintings submitted from around 60 schools covering the length and breadth of the county.
A number of Saint Felix pupils were successful in the competition. Year 6 pupil Amelia Prowse was awarded 3rd prize in the Years 5 and 6 category, while work by Darcy Impson (Year 2), Reo Snowling, Sophie Everett, Ben Every (Year 4) and Rose Webster (Year 5) were ‘Highly Commended’. 12 other pupils from the school were also pleased to have their artwork exhibited at the gallery.
Abigail Nunn, art teacher at Saint Felix, said: ‘I am thrilled that so many of our budding artists’ work was selected for inclusion in the exhibition. These pre-Prep and Prep pupils at Saint Felix have really demonstrated their creative and imaginative talents alongside raising funds for such a worthy cause.’