With the Chinese Lunar New Year, aka Spring Festival, falling in the February half-term it gave the opportunity to cook a celebratory meal on the first Tuesday back after the short break to the students who have opted this year to take part in the 6th Form Cookery activity that runs every Tuesday from 4 pm until 6 pm in the Autumn and Spring terms.
13 of the students took part in an extended cooking session from 2 pm to 5 pm, and made authentic dishes based on duck, chicken, pork, prawns and a wide variety of vegetables, before sitting down to enjoy the communal meal in the school’s Cookery Room.
The 6th Form Cookery activity is now enjoying its 9th consecutive year under the guidance of Mr Smith, who also is the Head of Mathematics and the school’s Examinations Officer. Well over 250 students have taken the opportunity in those 9 years to learn the life skills that will stand them in good stead when they go to university and for life in general.