I write this from China where both myself and Mr Tim O’Connell have been since Sunday 11 March, having spent time in Chengdu, Nanjing, Shanghai and Shenzhen with further visits planned to Guangzhou and Hong Kong before returning to the UK on Monday evening.
We have had a gruelling schedule but one which we have appreciated in that it has given us such an insight into the significantly different approach to Chinese education, both in terms of fundamental principles as well as customs and practices. We all celebrate that Saint Felix is a vibrant international community especially in Years 10-13 and it has been a source of great pleasure to have spent time in various cities meeting our current parents, hearing first-hand how they are impressed with what we are doing and how appreciative they are in general with the quality of education offered and the individualised approach to teaching and learning.
On Monday 12 March we attended Dawan Middle School in Chengdu where I addressed the 4000 student body and its staff, as a guest of the Principal, during their weekly assembly. From there I taught History and English to two classes of 50 children at Wenjiang School, Chengdu which was an amazing opportunity for me and by the end of the lesson, all pupils could spell and define my favourite 29 letter word ‘floccinaucinihilipilification’ much to their delight and my own amusement.
I have been immensely proud of what we have achieved as a school community during my time at Saint Felix and I have taken great pride in illustrating these achievements in China. Nonetheless, I am looking forward to being back at school on Tuesday 20 March.
Pictures and videos of our trip to China can be found on our Twitter page @stfelixsch