Saint Felix is delighted to share news about Old Felician, Jessica Westlake, who has been awarded a SCI Sydney Andrew Scholarship to support her PhD project “Less Plastic, More Tea: Active, Biodegradable Food Packaging”.
Jessica attended Saint Felix from Nursery to Sixth Form and left in 2017 to study Chemistry with an MChem in Chemistry for Drug Discovery with Industrial Training at the University of Bath. She became interested in the field of sustainable materials research while on a year long placement at a contract research company in Oxford.
SCI (Society of Chemical Industry) first launched the SCI Sydney Andrew Scholarships, in 2021 with the aim to support ten PhD students studying subjects in emerging areas of agriculture and the chemical industry.
“My research focuses on the formation of biodegradable active packaging materials with controlled release properties. These materials are designed as alternatives to conventional plastics for food packaging applications. Active packaging functions to reduce food waste by prolonging the shelf-life of food via the release of antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds or the sequestration of degradation-enhancing gases. Importantly, active packaging aims to tackle two key environmental issues driving climate change: food waste and plastic waste.
“I am grateful to have been awarded the Sydney Andrews SCI scholarship which will help to support me in my endeavours to carry out an internship or research visit during my PhD”*
Saint Felix is very proud of Jessica and looks forward to hearing more as her research progresses further. We are sure she will be an inspiration to all budding scientists at the school.
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*Quote taken from article by SCI. Read the full article here: