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News From The Head
June 21, 2024

Busy Busy Busy!
Our Year 11 and Year 13 students have dealt with the public examination season superbly (which comes to an end today) and I hope that they have all managed to perform to the best of their ability. It is a long process that requires resilience, fortitude and grit to ensure that every exam is approached with the right level of preparation and revision; it is not easy for the students to navigate this, but I have been very impressed with how they have approached it from start to end. They now deserve the opportunity to rest, relax, travel, enjoy being with friends and family, and prepare for the next part of their journey whether that is sixth form, university or the workplace. We all hope that they get the results that they would want in August.

In what has been an incredibly busy week, we have had two dinners to mark points of transition with Year 6 on Tuesday evening and Year 13 tonight. It is lovely to have such occasions to mark moments of change and an opportunity to celebrate what our students have achieved. Change is an important part of school life and the ability to embrace it rather than shirk from it, enables our students to make progress and achieve their potential. It is our role as the educators to enable and support this process; the introduction of mentors from September is deliberately designed to ensure that every student has their own guide and advocate in order to provide an extra layer to make their educational journey as smooth and successful as possible.

As we move towards the end of the academic year, I wanted to pay tribute to the works, maintenance, gardens, grounds and domestic services team that have done so much to transform the site into a more beautiful and pristine space; the environment of any institution is vital in creating the right atmosphere and ambience for learning. So much has been done over the last year and it would not have been achieved without their hard work and enthusiasm. The grounds are looking splendid and every building is beginning to take shape with internal renovation and refurbishment. My favourite new initiative is the wildflower garden that is emerging beside the kitchen; a glorious sight and as the hard work starts to pay off, we can continue with the beautification of the site to enhance student and staff wellbeing which will only have a positive impact on learning.

Years 7 and Year 8 went to Mersea Island last week which is an outdoor activity centre in Essex; what a time they had with three days of exhilarating activities that fostered teamwork and pushed the students outside of their comfort zones. They were engaged in a broad array of activities including caving, high and low ropes, the giant swing, rock climbing, zipwire, mountain biking, archery, bushcraft and so much more. They will have learnt a lot about themselves, fostered and developed new relationships and hopefully surprised themselves as to what they can do. Communication skills, teamwork, leadership, character and resilience all came to the fore despite of the inclement weather that they suffered! These kinds of trips are so important for student confidence and resilience; the same is true of our DoE group who are on expedition as we speak in the most glorious weather in contrast.
On Saturday, many of the Saint Felix community were gathered at St Edmund’s Church in Southwold for Fran D’Alcorn’s Memorial Service. Over 230 people attended what was a moving and poignant service; Fran gave her life, heart and soul to Saint Felix with 44 years of service to the students, parents and local community. The students of Saint Felix were her life whether as a PE and Games teacher, historian, senior leader or more latterly as Head. It was fitting that so many friends, former colleagues and students were present to celebrate her passion for the school and all those who came under her stewardship.

A few areas to promote from the PTA; there are some amazing items in the Auction of Promises which they have kindly organised. Please note that the link closes on Friday 28th June. In addition, the PTA will be collecting second-hand uniform every morning next week from outside Senior, Bronte and Clough. Take part in the auction

In what has been a packed week, we have also had a visit from the RNLI who spoke to the Prep Department about water safety and the role that they play. Our young learners loved hearing about everything that they do as well as trying on their helmets! They had all done some lovely drawings and paintings as well which will feature in their upcoming celebrations. On Thursday night, we had the joy of listening to the Summer Concert with over twenty students performing across a range of different performances; from Carmen to The Kinks, from the Saxophone and French Horn to Drums and Electric Guitar, what a marvellous array of pieces we heard. It is so exciting to see so many students loving the creative and performing arts.

I have attached the formal invitation to Parents’ Day on Saturday 6th July. We look forward to welcoming the whole of the Saint Felix community to celebrate the achievements of our students, along with key performances from the academic year. Please arrive from 10.15am, where coffee and pastries will be served in the dining hall, and afterwards we will all congregate to enjoy food and entertainment.

Please do sign up for the Pre-Parents’ Day event at Southwold Golf Club on Friday 5th July. From September 1st, we will be formally partnering with them to create a pathway in this sport for the benefit of students (and parents).

Yours sincerely,
Matthew Oakman