Our People

Our People

Saint Felix has an exceptional team of dedicated, nurturing professionals; teachers who provide the educational excellence that propels students towards success, and a team of support staff who ensure the day-to-day running of our wonderful school.


Senior Leadership Team

Saint Felix School’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) consists of staff members directly involved in our school’s strategic development and operation. The Chair is the Head who, along with the SLT, is responsible for the academic and pastoral outcomes for students, as well as all operational and HR matters.

Mr Matthew Oakman

Head of Saint Felix School

Matthew Oakman, Head of Saint Felix School in Southwold, Suffolk

Ms. Annie Hardcastle

Deputy Head and Head of Senior

Annie Hardcastle, Deputy Head of Saint Felix School

Mrs Alicia Mann

Assistant Head - Designated Safeguard and Pastoral Lead

Alicia Mann, Assistant Head of Saint Felix School and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Gareth Jones

Head of Operations

Mrs Halcyon Meldrum

Assistant Head - Boarding, EDI and Community

Halcyon Meldrum, Head of Boarding at Saint Felix School in Southwold, Suffolk

Miss Jade Wong

Head of Preparatory Department

Jade Wong, Assistant Head and Head of Prep School

Mrs Joahnna Harlock

Assistant Head - Curriculum / Head of Sixth Form

Jo Harlock, Assistant Head and Head of Sixth Form and Curriculum

Mr Mark Grigg

Assistant Head - Co-Curricular / Head of Sport

Mark Grigg, Assistant Head and Head of Sport and Co-curricular

Heads of School


Head of Senior Department (Sport, Co-curricular Programme and Student Voice)


Head of Senior Department (Academia and Boarding)


Deputy Head of Senior Department (Community Relationships and Partnerships)


Head of Prep Department


Head of Prep Department

Our Advisory Board

Saint Felix’s Advisory Board is composed of individuals from both within the Inspired Learning Group (ILG) team and those with connections to our school. Their responsibilities align with standard Board of Governors’ functions encompassing the school’s vision, ethos, and strategic direction. The Board also establishes and reviews policies and procedures – ensuring leadership accountability for school management, educational provision, and compliance with legal and DfE requirements.

Additionally, the Board contributes to inspections, monitors and evaluates performance to enhance standards, ensures students’ welfare and pastoral care, supports leaders, and provides recommendations to the Proprietor, always prioritising the school’s best interests with integrity and objectivity. The SLT reports to the Board periodically through formal meetings and regular contact with the Chair and other members of the ILG executive team. To ensure complete governance, the Board operates through two committees, Education and Compliance, both of which feed into a Full Board, thus providing a comprehensive approach to direct our school’s success and growth.

Amit Mehta
ILG Proprietor: pa@inspiredlearninggroup.co.uk

James Fowler
Chair of Advisory Board: jfowler@inspiredlearninggroup.co.uk

Carrie Askew
Board Level Lead for Safeguarding and Health & Safety: operations@inspiredlearninggroup.co.uk

Richard Milner-Smith
Director of Education: richard@inspiredlearninggroup.co.uk

Lin Le Versha

Hazel Anthony

Neil Roskilly

Catherine Dann
ILG Head of HR

Our Staff


Pastoral Heads of Year:

Mr Mark West (Head of Fourth Form)



Mrs Gayle Russell (Head of Fifth Form)



Mrs Joahnna Harlock (Head of Sixth Form)



Performing and Creative Arts

Miss H Cotton (Head of Faculty)

Art, Photography & Textiles:

Miss H Cotton

Miss F Osborne

Drama & Performing Arts:

Mrs A Boyd (Head of Drama)

Mr D Boyd

Mrs J Webster (Dance)


Miss E Wong (Head of Music)

Mr C Bacon

Mrs C Skinner

Mr G Day

Miss H Playle

Mr J Flack

Mr M Chapman


Humanities and Social Sciences

Mr B Williams (Head of Faculty)

Business Studies/Economics:

Mr A Grimmer (Head of Business Studies and Economics)

Mrs J Harlock


Mrs K Beblot


Mr B Williams


Mr R Farrands (Head of History)

Miss H Stanton


Mrs C Lambert

Mrs K Beblot

Mrs J Harlock

Miss M Sheard


Mrs K Beblot

RE, and Philosophy and Ethics:

Mrs H Meldrum (Lay Chaplain)

Miss H Stanton


Languages and Literature

Mr P Perry (Head of Faculty)


Mr P Perry (Head of English)

Ms A Hardcastle

Mrs J Neeves

Miss M Sheard

Mr R Lynch

English as an Additional Language (EAL):

Mrs K Dunn (Co-ordinator of EAL)

Modern Foreign Languages:

Mrs S Moyle (Head of French)

Mrs M Jarrett


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)

Mr J Chapman (Head of Faculty)

Design Technology

Mr J Chapman

Mr M Hughes


Mr J Chapman

Mr M Hughes


Mrs G Russell (Head of Mathematics)

Mrs A Miller

Mr J Chapman

Physical Education

Mr M Grigg (Head of Sport)

Miss E Rushmere

Mr R Patil

Mr S Borrer


Mrs M Westlake (Head of Science)

Miss A Bones (Science Technician)

Mr A Hill

Miss E Rushmere

Mr M West



Mrs J Harlock


Learning Support:

Mrs C Lambert (SENDCo – Senior)

Miss L Barker-Harrison (SENDCo – Prep)

Mrs B Every (Hub Manager)

Mrs C Fisher

Mrs E Sibson

Mrs H Stokes-Hayward

Mrs J Webster

Mrs L Stebbings

Mr M Chapman

Mrs P Riley

Miss T Bayliss



Mr M Grigg (Head of Sport)

Mr A Hamp (Outdoors Education Instructor)

Mr B Collis

Mrs B Every (Swimming)

Mr B Rivett (Swimming)

Miss G Cake

Mr G Caplin

Mrs J Copestake

Miss J Wong

Mr K Ayers (Head of Swimming)

Mrs K Ince (Swimming)

Miss N Turner (Swimming)

Mr R Patil

Mr S Borrer



Deputy Head of Prep Department

Miss L Barker-Harrison



Mr H Hansen-Chambers (Nursery Manager)

Miss C Strowger (Nursery Practitioner)

Mrs C White (Nursery Practitioner)

Miss S English (Nursery Practitioner)

Mrs T Gooch (Nursery Practitioner)

Miss V Wheatley (Nursery Practitioner)

Miss Z Allen (Nursery Practitioner)



Early Years Foundation Stage:

Mrs V Fox (Reception Teacher)

Mrs A Forward (Reception Class Assistant and After School Care Club Supervisor)


Key Stage 1:

Mrs A Forward (Teaching Assistant)

Miss J Copestake (Preparatory PE and Games)

Miss L Laughland (Trainee Teacher)

Mrs N Denny (Teaching Assistant)

Miss N Jessop (Year 2 Teacher)

Mrs S Karaboce (Year 1 Teacher)

Mrs Z Parle (Teaching Assistant)


Key Stage 2:

Mrs A Nunn (Year 5 Form Teacher)

Mrs A Boyd (LAMDA and Performing Arts)

Mr B Collis (Preparatory Games)

Mr D Boyd (LAMDA and Performing Arts)

Miss E Wong (Head of Music)

Mrs H Meldrum (Lay Chaplin and Head of Boarding)

Miss L Barker-Harrison (Year 3 Form Teacher)

Mr M Grigg (Preparatory Games)

Mrs M Jarrett (Modern Foreign Languages)

Mrs N Denny (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs N Fisher (Year 6 Form Teacher)

Miss N Harlock (IT Teacher)

Ms S Manning (Modern Foreign Languages)

Mr T Fletcher (Year 4 Form Teacher)

Mrs V Arias (Clough, Breakfast Club Supervisor)

Mrs Z Parle (Clough, Breakfast Club Supervisor)



Mrs H Meldrum (Head of Boarding)

Mr A Grimmer (House Tutor, Fawcett)

Miss D Lupton (Houseparent, Fawcett)

Mr G Day (House Tutor, Somerville/Gardiner)

Miss H Stanton (Assistant Houseparent, Somerville/Gardiner)

Miss L Laughland (House Tutor, Somerville/Gardiner)

Mr R Patil (Assistant Houseparent, Fawcett)

Mr T Fletcher (House Tutor, Fawcett)

Mrs V Arias (Houseparent, Somerville/Gardiner)



Boarding and Learning Assistants

Mr D Barker

Miss I Glover



Mr J Winyard (Head Chef)

Ms S Burden (Deputy Head Chef)

Mr M George (Chef)

Mrs C Sayers (Kitchen Supervisor)

Miss A Powley (Kitchen Assistant)

Mrs L Clayton (Kitchen Assistant)

Mrs M Wall (Kitchen Assistant)

Mrs N Hope (Kitchen Assistant)

Ms R Bullough (Kitchen Assistant)

Mr G Bullion (Kitchen Porter)



Miss E Wickham (Housekeeping Supervisor)

Mrs A Boden

Mrs E Newson

Ms K Whiting

Miss L Reid

Ms L Holmes

Mrs M Scoggins

Ms S Golder

Ms T Bayliss


Compliance and Health & Safety:

Mrs A Shaw


House matron:

Mrs P Kett


Human Resources:

Mrs F Hosea



Miss N Harlock (Head of Digital Strategy)


Maintenance and Estates:

Mr T Laughland (Estates Manager)

Mr A Bishop

Mr A Denny

Mr A Laughland

Mr C Bell

Miss D Meades

Mr D Neal

Mr M Cheesman

Mr P Bacon

Mr P Denny

Mr S Nunn


Management Support Office:

Mrs C Leggett (Marketing and Admissions Assistant)

Mrs C Tansley (PA to the Head)

Mr C Trigg (Head of Marketing)

Mrs D Marsden (Preparatory Administration Assistant)

Miss E Haywood (PA to the Deputy Head)

Miss J Burch (Head of Admissions)

Mrs M Meen (Senior Department Administration Assistant)


Medical Centre:

Sister P Canham (School Nurse)

Miss D Lupton


School Counsellor 

Ms S Manning


Sports Facilities:

Mrs J Copestake (Fitness Instructor)

Mr M Newland (Recreation Assistant)

Miss M Williams (Recreation Assistant)



Mr C Bell (Transport Coordinator)

Mr A Elvin (Minibus Driver)

Mrs L Cameron (Minibus Driver)

Mr M Barlow (Minibus Driver)

Ms N Oram (Minibus Driver)

Mrs P Sexton (Minibus Driver)

Mr T Graham (Minibus Driver)

Mr W Harris (Minibus Driver)

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