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News From The Head
January 8, 2024

Happy New Year

It has certainly been a wet start to 2024, but it has wonderful to see all of the students back at Saint Felix for the new term and the challenges that lie ahead. With Year 11 mocks now under way, there is already a sense of momentum as public examinations begin to loom large for this year group as well as the Year 13 students. We wish them all well as they enter into the final stages of finishing off the syllabus, embarking on past papers and commencing the revision stage before the Summer Term. It is never an easy time for these students and our collective support during the next six months will be crucial in enabling them to achieve their best possible results.

Whilst the school might have been closed to the students over the Christmas break, it doesn’t stop work continuing apace to improve the facilities and provision here at Saint Felix. Much has been done to continue the refurbishment project in Clough with two classrooms now nearing full completion, the corridors and stairway have all been repainted, and the beautiful wooden floor as you enter has been repolished. As term starts, the classrooms will be completed across the ground and first floor on a rotation basis before the Assembly and Music Room are tackled which will finish phase one of the project. Our works and maintenance staff have done an amazing job and their continued work over the holiday period has allowed our students to see the beginning of the future Clough.

With the start of term comes staff INSET; an opportunity for the community to professionally learn, develop and collaborate as we look towards the future and ensuring an outstanding provision for all of our students. In a similar vein, a working group are making significant progress on the curriculum review and the new shape of the day and week for September 2024. We will be able to talk through the future initiatives and developments in this area with parents as soon as our thinking is more fleshed out and all staff have had an opportunity to feedback on initial draft documents. Once finalised, this will provide an exciting template for the future educational provision at Saint Felix.

I hope that you all had the opportunity for a break over the festive period and were able to enjoy time with friends and family. I wish you all the very best in 2024.

Yours sincerely,
Matthew Oakman