Boarding Options

Boarding at Saint Felix School

At Saint Felix School, we offer various boarding options tailored to meet the diverse needs of our students and their families. Whether you require the full boarding experience, a one-night stay, or something in between, our boarding options ensure that every student can find the right balance of independence, academic focus, and family time.


2-Night Flexi Boarding

Our 2-Night Flexi Boarding option is perfect for students who want to experience the benefits of boarding while still maintaining a close connection to home. This option allows students to stay at school for two nights each week, giving them extra time to participate in evening activities, complete homework with access to school resources, and build strong friendships with their peers.


3-Night Flexi Boarding

The 3-Night Flexi Boarding option offers even more flexibility for families. Students stay with us three nights each week, providing additional opportunities for academic support and boarding activities. This option is ideal for those who may have busy family schedules or live further away but still want to enjoy the boarding lifestyle for part of the week.


Full Boarding

Our Full Boarding programme is for students who wish to fully immerse themselves in the vibrant boarding community at Saint Felix School. Full boarders stay with us throughout the term, benefiting from a structured environment that supports academic achievement and personal growth. With access to a wide range of exciting activities, dedicated study time, and round-the-clock pastoral care, full boarders develop strong life skills and lifelong friendships.


Weekly Boarding

Weekly Boarding offers a structured balance between school and home life. Students stay with us from Sunday evening or Monday morning to Friday, then return home for the weekend. This option is perfect for families who live within a reasonable distance from Saint Felix and want their child to enjoy the full benefits of boarding during the week while still spending quality time at home over the weekends. Saint Felix School can provide transport for weekly boarders, collecting on a Sunday evening or Monday morning, and dropping off back home on a Friday evening.


Short-Stay Boarding

Our Short-Stay Boarding experiences can be from as little as three weeks and are available to students from Year 5 to Year 13. Many students join for one term and then choose to extend their stay whilst they are here, and we guarantee a place for anyone who wishes to do this. Generally, Short-Stay Boarding is for international students who want to experience an English Education in a safe, nurturing school away from city life. Saint Felix School can loan unifrom and sports kit to short-stay boarders.


One-Off Boarding

Our One-Off Boarding option is ideal for students who need occasional overnight stays at school, whether due to a late school event, an early morning commitment, or any other reason. One-Off Boarding ensures students have a safe and comfortable place to stay. This option accommodates the varying needs of our students and their families with minimal commitment.


Day Boarding

We offer Day Boarding, where parents can bring their child to school at 7:30am and collect them at 9pm. Day Boarding is ideal for busy families or students who want to study, socialise, or join their peers for co-curricular activities.


At Saint Felix School, our diverse boarding options allow families to choose the best fit for their child’s needs, ensuring that every student thrives both academically and personally in a supportive and nurturing environment.

If you want to learn more or ask any questions, please call Miss Jen Burch, our Head of Admissions, +44 (0)1502 727048 or email